photo mbp . Kuei-shien Leen (Taiwan), Eva Petropoulou Lianoy (Grèce), Thierry Mathiasin (France), Joël Dely (France), Domi Bergougnoux (France), Daniele Beghè (Italie) .    烏克蘭向日葵 把向日葵種籽 放入征衣口袋裡 準備在戰場以肉身 化為塵土培養基 以鮮血灌溉 在烏克蘭主權國土上 牢記新婦叮嚀 要以新縫征衣見證 復員共同栽植 保護國花的品種 朝天空微笑 在烏克蘭自由國土上    by Lee Kueu-shien(Taiwan ) Sunflower in Ukraine I put the seeds of sunflower into the pocket of my military uniform ready to turn my flesh in the battlefield as their medium on earth and irrigate.. Read More